Alankar A. Ramteke, MS (Orth)

Arthritis & Joint Replacement Clinic

Specialist in Knee & Hip Replacement

Arthritis & Joint Replacement Clinic
C-21, 4th Floor, Yugadharm Complex,
Opposite ICICI Bank, Near Hotel Centre Point,
Ramdaspeth, Nagpur 10, MS, INDIA

Opening Hours : Mon to Sat - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

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10 things to know about Joint Replacement Surgery

Marlton, NJ (PRWEB) March 14, 2012 Hip or knee replacement surgery can be intimidating, but minimally invasive procedures can now make the experience much less challenging, and provide more options for patients of all ages. When suffering from the daily pain of arthritis or other chronic conditions, electing joint replacement surgery can be a life-enhancing decision. Joint replacement surgery techniques, and the replacement joints used during procedures, have changed dramatically in recent years.

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New blood test to detect rheumatoid arthritis

Published On: Mar 11 2012 10:25:30 PM EDT. Rheumatoid arthritis causes 1.3 million people to cringe in pain every day. 75 percent of those are women. There's no cure, but early diagnosis and treatment can keep people moving longer. Now there's new way doctors can detect it even before the pain sets in. "I can't remember a day that I don't hurt," says Robyn Nichols. For 30-year-old Nichols, the pain started at just two and a half years old. She says she takes 18 different prescriptions and the arthritis is getting worse.

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Rise in number of younger knee replacements

BBC News, HEALTH, 17 January 2012: Rise in number of younger knee replacementsBy Michelle Roberts, Health reporter. Data suggests there has been a big rise in knee replacement operation rates, particularly for younger patients. Figures for the UK, US and Finland show an emerging trend of requests for arthritic 'baby boomers' in their 50s. UK experts believe the nation's growing obesity problem is partly to blame for the rise, putting strain on the knees.

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Arthritis Invites Higher Risk of Heart Attacks

IANS London, March 9: Arthritis sufferers have 40 percent higher risk of developing erratic heartbeat which can trigger heart attacks and death, warn researchers. The researchers believe the inflammation of joints in arthritis may cause irregular heartbeat, known as atrial fibrillation, besides formation of blood clots and stroke. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to strike between the ages of 40 and 70 years and is more common amongst women than men. It is the result of the immune system attacking cells lining the joints, making them swollen, stiff and very painful, reported online journal

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The Indian Orthopaedic Research Group (IORG) is dedicated to promoting evidence based clinical orthopaedic research in India. IORG advocates for garnering more resources for research, and increasing awareness in the Indian orthopaedic community of the impact of orthopaedic research. The specialty of Orthopaedic Surgery has developed in the recent past in leaps and bounds because of new challenges and avenues opened by active research. India in particular and Indian sub-continent as a whole has lagged behind in this field of basic and evidence based clinical orthopaedic research. IORG is a humble atempt to further the cause and promote orthopaedic research inour country.

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